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martes, 14 de junio de 2016

Un político alemán ridiculiza las políticas de género en el Parlamento

Martes, 14 de Junio, 2016

Un político alemán, Steffen Königer, ridiculiza las políticas de género en el Parlamento. Tratar de hablar de naturalidad (el partido de Los Verdes),  y pretender generar de 2 sexos, 60 género es ridículo.

AfD politician Steffen Königer ridiculed the Greens in the Brandenburg Parliament for their proposal of a "Campaign for Acceptance of Gender and Sexual diversity, Self-Determination and against Homo and Trans*-phobia in Brandenburg" as well as "Giving equal rights and societal equality for LGBTTQQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, Trans, Two-spirit, Queer, Questioning) people in Brandenburg" by quoting 60 of the Genders considered by Leftists to be actual identities - they're straight from Facebook's Gender option list.

David Franco

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