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viernes, 30 de septiembre de 2011

Una mujer de 96 años mata de un disparo a su sobrino tras una discusión

A una disgutada abuela de 96 años no le ha temblado el pulso y ha asesinado, según la policía, a tiros a su sobrino
Viernes, 30 de septiembre, 2011

El sobrino y su esposa habían vivido en la casa durante más de 30 años y la tía anciana se había mudado con la pareja hace varios meses.

Amanda Rice Stevenson, de 96 años, ha sido acusada por las autoridades de la muerte de su sobrino de su 53 años de edad, mientras el hombre yacía en la cama, según ha informado la prensa local.
La anciana mató a su sobrino tras una disputa y le abatió de un disparo en el pecho con una pistola del calibre .357.
El sobrino y su esposa habían vivido en la casa durante más de 30 años y la tía anciana se había mudado con la pareja hace varios meses.
Amanda Rice Stevenson, 96 Years Old, Arrested for Allegedly Murdering Her Nephew
By Matthew Hendley Mon., Sep. 26 2011 at 2:48 PM Comments (4)
Categories: Crime
Amanda Rice Stevenson is 96 years old.
She also allegedly shot and killed her nephew last night by firing a round from a .357 Magnum into his chest.
St. Augustine Police Department spokesman Mark Samson says the cops got a call just before 9 p.m. Sunday about a possible heart attack at a house in St. Augustine.
Instead, police found 53-year-old John Westley Rice dead on the floor, with blood coming out of his mouth and multiple blood splatters around the scene, Samson says.
Stevenson, who police found in another bedroom in the house, was taken from the home while cops collected evidence -- including the .357 Magnum handgun -- and she was eventually determined by police to be the shooter.
Samson says Rice was shot "over a domestic situation" while he was lying in bed, but exact details of what happened haven't yet been released.
Rice's wife told police her husband was watching football when she left the house at 5:30 p.m., and when she returned at 8:45 p.m., she found her husband lying dead on the bedroom floor, leaning against a door.
It's unknown how many times she's been arrested since her birth in 1915, but yesterday's murder charge marks her third arrest in St. Johns County, according to records from the sheriff's office.
An arson charge from 1995 was later dropped, and her other arrest, in 2007, doesn't come with details.

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